Department of STEM Education, Mary Immaculate College, Ireland
The Department of STEM Education was established in Mary Immaculate College in 2017. The department is made up of Science, ICT and Maths Educators, within the faculty of Education. We build and cultivate knowledge, attitudes and skills in STEM disciplines through socially responsive and innovative research, experiential and inquiry-based teaching and learning, the development of partnerships with schools and industry and through the preparation of teachers who are STEM literate.
We prepare teachers to draw on technology-enhanced learning to support the development of pedagogies in all curriculum subjects, to utilise a range of innovative teaching and learning modalities and to become future leaders in STEM education in their schools.
Research in the Department of STEM Education explores conceptual, theoretical, methodological and issues of practice in Education. Examination of the faculty publications and projects, and the variety of journals and dissemination outlets, reveals the diversity of our research interests. We explore educational phenomena in all sectors of education, from early childhood education, primary and post-primary education through to higher education. Our research methods challenge the traditional duality of qualitative and quantitative frameworks and encompass a variety of mixed and innovative methods to gain insights into and extend our understandings of educational phenomena and other issues of interest.
Our research falls broadly under three themes:
For recent news and events, follow the department on Twitter
The STEAMING project has been funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus + programme. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.