The Directorate of Primary Education of Western Thessaloniki is a Regional Educational Authority of the Prefecture of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia under the Greek Ministry of Education & Religion Affairs.
The Directorate has overall responsibility for 256 general education nursery schools (4 -5 years of age), two nursery schools for students with special needs, one nursery school in a public hospital for children who need in-hospital treatment and 15 private nursery schools. It also has overall responsibility for 174 general education primary schools (6 -12 years), four primary schools for students with special needs, four intercultural primary schools, one pilot school and two schools in public hospitals. The Directorate employs approx. 4 700 teachers, approx. 45000 students are currently enrolled in its schools. One of the Directorate’s primary goals is to reinforce the educational process in its region.
Its development plan has included the establishment of a European projects Department. This section monitors, supports and co-ordinates the work of already existing European project teams and provides assistance to schools wishing to participate in future European projects. The department’s role is to coordinate and guide the work of schools in applying the policies of the national Ministry of Education, but also to lead initiatives to address regional and local issues and priorities. It operates in close daily contact with teachers and parents to address particular concerns related to enhancing the educational experience and attainment of children from disadvantaged and minority socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds as well as any student.
The STEAMING project has been funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus + programme. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.